The biggest DASH sale and purchase in Indonesia since 2015. Easy, anytime & anywhere 24 hours without days off. Triv is integrated with 61 banks & E-money in Indonesia, since 2015 Triv has been used by millions of people to transact DASH.
Price Chart (1 DASH)
Rp. 607,156 -8.55%
High Liquidity
The spread or difference in the price of buying and selling DASH Triv is one of the lowest in the market today. With our brokerage system you don't have to wait for another buyer/seller to make a transaction. All buy/sell transactions can be done instantaneously and in real-time without any waiting process.
Triv app allows you to buy, sell, trade – as well swap and staking – crypto currencies. Triv is the most comprehensive and secure trading platform to manage and develop the value of your portfolio according to the current crypto currencies price.
Unlike traditional investment instruments, Crypto market has no holidays. You can sell your DASH in real-time to your bank / e-wallet in seconds even on holidays.
Since it is digital, sending DASH can be as easy as sending an email. Crypto also doesn't have any physical borders the way dollars or euros do. We may call it the future currency. Sending DASH is free of charge from a fellow Triv users!
You can receive DASH through your Triv account instantly. Since crypto is unlimited financial ecosystem.
The fact is DASH HODLER get higher returns compared with DASH trader. Therefore, HODL your DASH in Triv, in protection under insurance of Bigo & Llyod England up to USD100 million or equivalent to 1.45 trillion Rupiahs.
There are 65+ supported cryptocurrencies in Triv platform and counting. You can enjoy the benefits of the 24/7 crypto staking service in real time.
You can exchange DASH coin for fiat money in Triv platform, to pay bills such as: phone bills, credit, and even the electricity token.
Livechat and Call center support service in Triv, ready to help you 24/7
* Updated Real-Time
Automatic and zero-downtime transaction in Triv. Since 2015, Triv run its operation without incurring downtime
* Updated Real-Time
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Triv Affiliate applies life-time referral rewards. You can earn cash back commission on your downline affiliate transaction with no expiry date.
Build your investment portfolio and growing with Triv features and ecosystem, along with million of other Triv members.
Triv is trusted to manage and exchange various digital assets in real time.