Harga Cardano

Cardano Price (ADA to IDR)



Market cap

IDR 402T

Volume (24h)

IDR 13.3T

Circulating Supply

IDR 35.2M

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Check the ADA IDR price exchange rate so you can observe the movement of Cardano prices, either with a line or candle display in real time. The price of Cardano against rupiah changes all the time, so you need to convert ADA to IDR and vice versa with a price calculator. This calculator will help you calculate the number of ADA coins that you can get with the deposit balance you have. Install the Triv app now and buy ADA coins easily

More information about Cardano

Cardano is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain platform that says its goal is to enable “change makers, innovators and visionaries” to bring about positive global change.
Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of the Ethereum network.
Cardano aims to “redistribute power from irresponsible structures to the margins to individuals” by helping to create a more secure, transparent and just society.
Cardano was founded in 2017
There is no clear record of the creation location of Cardano.
All technology developed by Cardano goes through a peer-reviewed research process, which means that bold ideas can be challenged before being validated.

According to the Cardano team, this academic rigor helps the blockchain to be durable and stable.
In 2020, Cardano launched a Shelley upgrade that aims to make its blockchain “50 to 100 times more decentralized” than other major blockchains.

The ADA token is designed to ensure that owners can participate in the operation of the network.

Therefore, those holding the ADA will have the right to vote for any proposed changes to the software.
45,000,000,000 YES
32,936,637.337 ADA (As of 30 July 2021) ADA (As of 30 July 2021)
YES (under development)
harga Cardano

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