Harga Wrappedbitcoin

WrappedBitcoin Price (WBTC to IDR)



Market cap

IDR 203T

Volume (24h)

IDR 1.55T

Circulating Supply

IDR 129rb

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More information about WrappedBitcoin

Wrapped Bitcoin is a tokenized version of Bitcoin (BTC) running on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain.

WBTC is powered by Bitcoin at a 1:1 ratio.
The WBTC project was not founded by individuals but is a joint project of three organizations namely BitGo, Kyber Network, and Ren.
Wrapped Bitcoin was created to be fully integrated into the ecosystem of decentralized exchanges, crypto lending services, prediction markets, and other ERC-20-enabled decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.
Wrapped Bitcoin was first announced on October 26 2018, and officially launched on January 31, 2019
There is no clear record of where the Wrapped Bitcoin was created.
This token will “wrapped” BTC in the ERC-20 standard.

WBTC will allow the full integration of assets such as Bitcoin into this sophisticated financial decentralized application environment, bringing with it the massive liquidity associated with BTC market.

Wrapped Bitcoin makes work significantly easier for exchanges, wallets, and payment services that work with Ethereum.

Thats because this token doesnt have to run two separate nodes for the ETH network and BTC, because WBTC only requires Ethereum nodes.

The Ethereum blockchains faster average blocking time, around 15 seconds vs 10 minutes each, has increased the transaction speed of WBTC, compared to the original Bitcoin.
192,575 WBTC (As of July 28, 2021)
192,575 WBTC (As of July 28, 2021)
harga WrappedBitcoin

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