Harga Yearnfinance

yearnfinance Price (YFI to IDR)



Market cap

IDR 4.37T

Volume (24h)

IDR 281M

Circulating Supply

IDR 33.6rb

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More information about yearnfinance

Yearn Finance is an aggregator service for decentralized finance (DeFi) investors, using automation to enable them to maximize profits from yield farming.

YFI is the native token of Yearn Finance.
Yearn Finance was created to simplify the ever-expanding DeFi space for investors who are not technically minded or who wish to interact in a less committed way than serious traders.
Yearn Finance was launched in February 2020. Previously known as iEarn.
There is no clear record of the location of creation from Yearn Finance.
The platform uses a variety of bespoke tools to act as aggregators for DeFi protocols such as Curve, Compound and Aave.

This will provide the highest possible returns to those staking cryptocurrencies.

New features are continuously being rolled out, this aims, among other things, to help preserve the long-term value of the platform.

Yearn Finance makes a profit by charging a withdrawal fee, currently 0.5% at the end of September 2020.< br>
This platform also attracts a 5% gas subsidy fee. Due to its governance model, this can technically be changed by consensus at any time.

The target market of Yearn Finance is investors who dont have the time to study the increasingly complex DeFi phenomenon from scratch, or who want to optimize their profits without hassle. .
36,666 YFI
36,666 YFI (As of July 28, 2021)
36,635 YFI (As of July 28, 2021)
harga yearnfinance

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