Harga Maker

Maker Price (MKR to IDR)



Market cap


Volume (24h)

IDR 1.95T

Circulating Supply

IDR 892rb

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More information about Maker

Maker (MKR) is the governance token of MakerDAO and Maker Protocol.

They are decentralized organizations and software platforms based on the Ethereum blockchain, respectively.
Maker was created as a project tasked with operating DAI.

DAI is a community-managed decentralized cryptocurrency with a stable value pegged to the US dollar.
Maker was originally conceived in 2015 and fully launched in December 2017
There is no clear record of the location of creation from Maker
The MKR tokens act as a sort of voting right for the organizations that administer the DAI.

While they do not pay dividends to their holders, they do give their holders voting rights over the development of the Maker protocol and are expected to appreciate in value according to the success of that DAI

The ability to participate in the management of one of the largest stablecoins on the market is what drives the demand for the MKR token and thus affects its value.
1.005.577 MKR
991,328 MKR (As of July 29, 2021)
991,328 MKR (As of 29 July 2021)
harga Maker

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